McLaren Property: Hinton Road
Building the developers’ reputation and gaining trust
Developers McLaren Property wanted to create new student accommodation in the heart of Bournemouth with a proposal for 163 bedrooms. The project saw the demolition of an old garage site and the construction of an eight-storey building in its place.
In a statement supporting the application, architects WGP said the scheme would act as a “catalyst to wider regeneration”.
The developers appointed Silverstone Communications to provide consultation support to help obtain planning consent.
We created a full community engagement programme resulting in McLaren becoming a recognised name in Bournemouth.
We knew that to get support for this project we needed the backing of:
Local business community
Education establishment
Senior councillors.
The programme we created was open, transparent and credible. We advised McLaren to listen to, engage with and learn from the relevant stakeholders. Through doing this, they gained valuable insight which influenced their proposals.
Our engagement programme created a high degree of confidence in McLaren from local stakeholders, allowing the scheme to be consented through delegated powers.
In the event of any issue, the quality of our engagement meant that we had the trust of stakeholders.